Explosion Proof Beam Smoke Detectors Explained

The Fireray 3000 ExD is an End to End Beam detector which is designed to be used in a Hazardous Area (Zone 1 and Zone 2).

Zone 1 is defined as: ‘An area where ignitable concentrations of flammable Gasses, Vapours or Liquids are likely to exist under normal operating conditions’.

Zone 2 is defined as: ‘An area where ignitable concentrations of flammable Gasses, Vapours or Liquids are not likely to exist under normal operating conditions’.

Following these guidelines should ensure a successful installation.

The Fireray 3000 ExD Beam is an ExD version of the existing Fireray 3000 Beam which uses proven End to End technology and is capable of covering distances from 10M to 100M. End to End Beams have a Transmitter at one end, sending out an Infra-Red signal which is detected and analysed by the Receiver and System Controller. If appropriate signal loss is detected the Fireray 3000 will signal a Fire or Fault.

The Transmitter (TX) and Receiver (RX) are mounted in ExD housings and can be placed in the Hazardous Area (with the appropriate ExD glands to route the cables to the Non-Hazardous Area), the System Controller MUST be placed OUTSIDE the Hazardous Area.

The Fireray 3000 ExD can be aligned by one person as there are LEDs in the RX to indicate the signal strength during commissioning, but if these are not visible, a second person can monitor the signal strength at the System Controller during the commissioning. Two pairs of Beams can be supported by one System Controller and there is a Fire and Fault relay for each pair of Beams.

The Fireray 3000 ExD has Light Cancelling Technology (LCT), this means it will not false alarm if the Sun (or another strong Infra-Red source) shines directly onto the RX.

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As with all beam smoke detectors the following is good practice when installing the Fireray 3000 ExD.

  1. The ExD housings are heavy, so it is very important to mount them to a solid structure which will not move. If either the TX or RX moves (due to poor installation) once it has been aligned, this can cause false alarms and or faults to occur.
  2. There must be a clear line of sight (no obstructions) down the whole of the path of the Beam’s run. If anything can move into and break the Beam’s path, this must be taken into account when installing the F3000 ExD.
  3. The Fireray 3000 ExD must be suitable for the environment it is protecting. A site with lots of airborne contamination and or extreme temperature swings may not be a suitable site.